Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Phrasal Verbs

 Phrasal verbs 

are a type of multi-word verb that consists of a verb and one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs). The meaning of a phrasal verb is often different from the meaning of its individual words, and phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable. Here are some examples:

Separable phrasal verbs: These phrasal verbs can be separated by the object of the verb.
Example: I need to clean up my room before my guests arrive.

In this sentence, "clean up" is a separable phrasal verb, and "my room" is the object. The sentence means that the speaker needs to tidy their room before their guests arrive.

Inseparable phrasal verbs: These phrasal verbs cannot be separated by the object of the verb.
Example: She always looks after her little brother.

In this sentence, "looks after" is an inseparable phrasal verb. The sentence means that the speaker's sister always takes care of her little brother.

Phrasal verb with a preposition: This type of phrasal verb uses a preposition as the particle.
Example: He is looking forward to his vacation.

In this sentence, "looking forward" is a phrasal verb with a preposition, and "to his vacation" is the object. The sentence means that the speaker is excited about their upcoming vacation.

Phrasal verb with an adverb: This type of phrasal verb uses an adverb as the particle.
Example: The company is slowly phasing out its old products.

In this sentence, "phasing out" is a phrasal verb with an adverb, and "its old products" is the object. The sentence means that the company is gradually eliminating its old products.

Phrasal verb with two particles: Some phrasal verbs can have two particles.
Example: She broke down in tears when she heard the news.

In this sentence, "broke down" is a phrasal verb with two particles, and "in tears" is the second particle. The sentence means that the speaker cried when she heard the news.

100 Most Common Phrasal Verbs List With Meanings And Examples

1. Act For

Meaning: Do something in favor
Example: Mr. Kim acts for my father.

2. Bear With

Meaning: Tolerate
Example: I can’t bear to continue with this suffering.

3. Break Down

Meaning: Crush
Example: The building is going to break down.

4. Break Into

Meaning: Enter or open forcibly
Example: The thief breaks into the house.

5. Break Through

Meaning:  Forcefully get in
Example: The man breaks through the shop.

6. Bring Up

Meaning: Adopt
Example: He brings up the child.

7. Call For

Meaning: Demand
Example: Mrs. Selina calls for some money.

8. Call-In

Meaning: Summon
Example: Please call in the envoy.

9. Carry On

Meaning: Continue
Example: Let the task carry on.

10. Come After

Meaning: Try to find or capture
Example: The police come after the robber.

11. Come From

Meaning: Originate in
Example: He comes from Denmark.

12. Come Of

Meaning: To be descended from
Example: She comes of a royal family.

13. Come Off

Meaning: Happen, Occur
Example: Our program will come off tomorrow.

14. Come On

Meaning: Arrive faster
Example: They came on a few minutes ago.

15. Come Round

Meaning: Recover consciousness
Example: The patient will come round soon.

16. Cut Down

Meaning: Reduce
Example: He has cut down the forest for no reason.

17. Cut Off

Meaning: Detach
Example: Mr. Hamilton cut off his relationship with his family.

18. Fall Back

Meaning: Move or turn back
Example: They fall back from their mission.

19. Fall In

Meaning: Get in line, line up
Example: The students agreed to fall in.

20. Fall In With

Meaning: Agree
Example: They are willing to fall in with the agreement.

21. Fall Off

Meaning: A decrease in something
Example: The leaves are fallen off the trees.

22. Fall Through

Meaning: Come to nothing, fail
Example: All of his dreams fall through by this misdeed.

23. Fall On

Meaning: Attack fiercely or unexpectedly
Example: He falls on his enemy.

24. Fall Into

Meaning: Separate
Example: The apple is fallen into three parts.

25. Get By

Meaning: Manage with difficulty to live
Example: It’s impossible to get by without my father.

26. Get Away

Meaning: Escape
Example: The criminal has gotten away from jail.

27. Get Down

Meaning: Descend
Example: Hold the pillar or you will get down.

28. Get In

Meaning: Arrive
Example: The boy got in a few minutes ago.

29. Get Into

Meaning: Ascend
Example: He gets into the bus.

30. Get Off

Meaning: Escape a punishment
Example: The thief is getting off from police custody.

31. Get Over

Meaning: Overcome
Example: He gets over all the difficulties.

32. Get On

Meaning: Proceed
Example: You have to get on in this way.

33. Get Out

Meaning: Go out
Example: Please get out of here right now.

34. Get Through

Meaning: Succeed
Example: You will be gotten through after hard work.

35. Get Up

Meaning: Rise
Example: We should get up early in the morning.

36. Give Away

Meaning: Makeover
Example: The principal gives away all the prizes.

37. Give In

Meaning: Cease fighting
Example: The enemies give the battle in after losing their weapon.

38. Give Out

Meaning: Disclose
Example: You should give out your offense.

39. Give Up

Meaning: Abandon
Example: Never give up on your study.

40. Go About

Meaning: Roaming
Example: I go about in my dream.

41. Go After

Meaning: Follow
Example: You should go after your mentor.

42. Go Along With

Meaning: Consent or agree
Example: She has to go along with the incident.

43. Go Away

Meaning: Leave
Example: Please go away from your workplace.

44. Go Back On/Upon

Meaning: Withdraw
Example: I want to go back on my opinion.

45. Go Over

Meaning: Change
Example: He goes over his decision.

46. Go Down

Meaning: Sink or crush 
Example: The ship is going down after hitting the stone.

47. Go For

Meaning: Decide on, choose
Example: I went for the rose flower.

48. Go In For

Meaning: Like or habitually take part in
Example: I go in for sports.

49. Go Off

Meaning: Of a gun, bomb, or similar device
Example: The vehicle is going off by accident.

50. Go On

Meaning: Continue
Example: Please go on your duty.

51. Go Through

Meaning: Read
Example: She goes through the sweet story.

52. Hang Up

Meaning: To stop a phone conversation
Example: Due to her excessive shouting, I hung up.

53. Hang About/Around

Meaning: Remain near
Example: You have to hang about yourself.

54. Hang Back

Meaning: Remain behind
Example: I never hang back when you speak.

55. Hang On

Meaning: To wait for a short time
Example: Please hang on a minute I’ll be back shortly.

56. Look Forward To

Meaning: Expect eagerly
Example: I look forward to doing this job.

57. Look After

Meaning: Take care of
Example: Please look after my family.

58. Look Down Upon

Meaning: Hate
Example: I look down upon the culprit.

59. Look For

Meaning: Search
Example: He is looking for a new job.

60. Look Into

Meaning: Investigate 
Example: The police look into the incident.

61. Look On, Upon

Meaning: Watch without getting involved
Example: I have looked on at the incident carefully.

62. Look Out

Meaning: Be vigilant and take notice
Example: The law enforcer agency is looking out the affected area with enough caution.

63. Look Over

Meaning: To examine something
Example: The teacher looks over the students.

64. Look Through

Meaning: Inspect carefully
Example: Look through the device.

65. Look At

Meaning: Gaze
Example: Please look at the window.

66. Look Up

Meaning: Find out
Example: Look up the criminal urgently.

67. Look Up To

Meaning: Respect
Example: We should look up to our parents.

68. Look Upon

Meaning: Obey
Example: You have to look upon your responsibility.

69. Make Away

Meaning: Kill
Example: He made away himself.

70. Make Of

Meaning: Make something of
Example: The table is made of wood.

71. Make Out

Meaning: Understand
Example: I have made out your problem.

72. Make Over

Meaning: Transfer
Example: Mr. Joseph is made over from his workplace.

73. Make Up

Meaning: Complete
Example: I made up all of my tasks.

74. Make For

Meaning: Move towards a place
Example: I have to make for a new place.

75. Put Away

Meaning: Leave 
Example: They put away from the country.

76. Put Down

Meaning: Write something
Example: Can you put down your address on the paper?

77. Put Forward

Meaning: To offer an idea
Example: He rejected all the objections put forward by the man.

78. Put Off

Meaning: Take off, postpone, get rid of
Example: You must put off your bad habits.

79. Put On

Meaning: Wear
Example: I put on my shoes.

80. Put Out

Meaning: Extinguish
Example: Please put out the light.

81. Put Together

Meaning: Be together
Example: We should be put together in order to face any danger.

82. Put Up

Meaning: Hang up
Example: The girl put up her clothes on the roof.

83. Put Up With

Meaning: Tolerate
Example: He can’t put up with the torture.

84. Run After

Meaning: Chase
Example: He runs after his aim.

85. Run Away 

Meaning: Flee
Example: The boy has run away from his house.

86. Run Into

Meaning: Fall into, to be involved in
Example: He ran into a dangerous place.

87. Run Over

 Meaning: Go over quickly as a reminder
Example: She ran over without any hesitation.

88. Run Out

Meaning: Become exhausted
Example: The man is run out.

89. See Off

Meaning: To bid goodbye 
Example: I am waiting to see my friend off.

90. See-Through

Meaning: Detect the true nature of
Example: I see through the incident.

91. Set In

Meaning: Begin and seem likely to continue
Example: I set my study in because my examination is knocking at the door.

92. Set Off

Meaning: Begin a journey
Example: He sets off by train.

93. Set Up

Meaning: Establish
Example: Mr. Cambell sets up a new organization.

94. Stand Against

Meaning: Oppose
Example: I want to stand against the matter.

95. Stand By

Meaning: Support
Example: He stands by his friend.

96. Take Off

Meaning: Put off
Example: He takes off his clothes.

97. Turn Down

Meaning: Reject
Example: He turned down your allegation, whatever you claimed.

98. Turn Off

Meaning: Stop
Example: Please turn off your handset now.

99. Turn On

Meaning: Let it works
Example: We have to turn on all our activities.

100. Work At

Meaning: Be engaged in
Example: We are working at a software company.


                         Modal verbs

also known as modal auxiliary verbs, are a type of auxiliary verb that express various meanings related to ability, permission, obligation, possibility, and certainty. They do not have their own meanings but modify the meaning of the main verb.

 There are 10 modal verbs in English: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would, and ought to.

Here are the different usages and differences between them, with examples:

Can: used to express ability, possibility, or permission in the present or future.
I can speak Spanish fluently. (ability)
Can I borrow your pen, please? (permission)
She can't come to the party tomorrow. (possibility)

Could: used to express past ability, possibility, or permission, or to make a polite request.
I could swim when I was younger. (past ability)
Could you please pass me the salt? (polite request)
It could rain later today. (possibility)

May: used to express permission, possibility, or uncertainty in the present or future.
May I leave early today? (permission)
It may rain later today. (possibility)
He may not show up for the meeting. (uncertainty)

Might: used to express possibility or uncertainty in the present or future, and is often used in more formal situations than "may".
She might be able to help us with the project. (possibility)
It might be a good idea to take a break now. (uncertainty)

Must: used to express strong obligation or necessity, or to express a deduction or conclusion.
You must finish your homework before you can watch TV. (obligation)
The shop must be closed now, it's already late. (deduction)

Shall: used to express a suggestion or recommendation, or to ask for advice or instructions. It is rarely used in modern English.
Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (suggestion)
What shall I do next? (asking for advice or instructions)

Should: used to express obligation, expectation, or advice.
You should apologize for what you said. (obligation)
I should be studying instead of watching TV. (expectation)
You should see a doctor if your symptoms persist. (advice)

Will: used to express future actions, predictions, or willingness.
I will go to the gym tomorrow. (future action)
She will probably be late for the meeting. (prediction)
I will help you with your project if you need it. (willingness)

Would: used to express past habits, polite requests or invitations, or hypothetical situations.
When I was younger, I would always play football with my friends. (past habits)
Would you mind closing the door, please? (polite request)
If I had more time, I would travel around the world. (hypothetical situation)

Ought to: used to express obligation or expectation, and is often used with the auxiliary verb "to".
You ought to study harder if you want to pass the exam. (obligation)
I ought to be more careful with my money. (expectation)

Complete the following dialogue using the correct modal to fill in each blank.

Dina: I hate to say this, Ragini, but you are in terrible shape.
Ragini: I know, what (a) ……………………………. I do?
Dina: Well, since you are putting on weight, you (b) ……………………………. plan a healthy diet.
Ragini: You are right. I (c) ……………………………. not eat so many chocolates and junk food.
Dina: That’s right, and you (d) ……………………………. also start exercising.
Ragini: (e) ……………………………. I start with walking for an hour every day?
Dina: Yes, but what is most important is that you (f) ……………………………. try to have a healthy lifestyle.
(a) should
(b) must
(c) should
(d) could/should
(e) should/could
(f) must

“How long (a) ……………….. or (b) ……………….. a person wait on a hungry stomach?” This thought constantly (c) ……………….. come to an impoverished man who (d) ……………….. wait till his unemployment days are over, “(e) ……………….. I never get two full meals?” occupies his thought box. He (f) ……………….. not even get a chance ever to come out of this vicious circle of poverty.

(a) can
(b) should
(c) may
(d) has to
(e) Shall
(f) might

On the Annual Day celebration, the Principal delivered a lecture, “Good Evening Children, you all (a) ……………… be the future policymakers, hence you (b) ………………. obey your teachers. You (c) ……………….. always try to win over the confidence of your superiors. You must not leave any stone unturned and you (d) ……………….. not worry about the result. Take a pledge that you (e) ……………….. obey and respect your elders. You (f) ……………….. take whatever stream you like but excel in the path chosen.

(a) will
(b) ought to
(c) should
(d) need
(e) shall
(f) may