Showing posts with label English Grammar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Grammar. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2020

Paragraph Writing on Ants for grade 3 to 6.


The amazing secrets behind 'flying ant day'

Ants are the smallest and wisest insect. Some people keep them as pets. Ants live in anthills. They make many rooms in anthill. There are many kinds of ants like red and black ants. Queen ant lays eggs so she is the mother of all other ants.It lives for about fifteen years. It has a pair of wings.It takes five to six weeks to become a complete ant. Ants always moves in a row. It shows that they have a very good discipline. They are also hard working and loyal. We can learn these things from them.

चींटियाँ सबसे छोटी और बुद्धिमान कीट हैं। कुछ लोग उन्हें पालतू जानवर के रूप में रखते हैं। चींटियाँ एंटहिल में रहती हैं। वे एंटहिल में कई कमरे बनाते हैं। चींटियों के कई प्रकार होते हैं जैसे लाल और काली चींटियाँ। रानी चींटी अंडे देती है, इसलिए वह अन्य सभी चींटियों की मां है। यह लगभग पंद्रह वर्षों तक रहती है। इसमें पंखों की एक जोड़ी होती है। इसे पूर्ण चींटी बनने में पांच से छह सप्ताह लगते हैं। चींटियाँ हमेशा एक पंक्ति में चलती हैं। यह दर्शाता है कि उनके पास बहुत अच्छा अनुशासन है। वे मेहनती और वफादार भी होते हैं। हम उनसे ये बातें सीख सकते हैं।

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Paragraph Writing for grade 6 on My Pet Dog

 My Pet Dog 

Samsung Smart TV Problems Curve 4K 55 | German shepherd puppies ...

I have a pet dog whose name is Bruno. He is only 5 months old. I regularly take him for morning and evening walk. He is from the breed of German Shepherds. His colour of the skin is brown and black.I give him fresh and healthy food. He likes to eat tomato very much .He loves to play with balls. I have made a separate room for him. He always gets happy when I come back from school. I have taught him many commands like sit,run,roll,go and fetch etc. He is very faithful. He protects our house from thieves. I love him very much.

मेरे पास एक पालतू कुत्ता है जिसका नाम ब्रूनो है। वह केवल 5 महीने का है।

मैं नियमित रूप से उसे सुबह और शाम की सैर के लिए ले जाता हूं। वह जर्मन शेफर्ड की नस्ल से है।
उसकी त्वचा का रंग भूरा और काला है। मैं उसे ताज़ा और स्वस्थ भोजन देता हूँ। 

उन्हें टमाटर खाना बहुत पसंद है। उन्हें गेंदों से खेलना बहुत पसंद है। मैंने उसके लिए एक अलग 

कमरा बनाया है। स्कूल से वापस आने पर वह हमेशा खुश रहता है। मैंने उसे कई 

आज्ञाएँ दी हैं जैसे बैठना, दौड़ना, रोल करना, जाना और लाना आदि। वह बहुत वफादार है। वह 

हमारे घर को चोरों से बचाता है। मुझे उससे बहुत प्यार है।

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Best Christmas Present in the World


The Best Christmas Present in the World

Captain MacPherson | Imperial War Museums

Captain Macpherson

The theme of the story the best Christmas present in the world depicts the brotherhood and focuses on the lives of soldiers that they do not hate their enemies besides in enemy camps want peace and harmony. They want to live with their families. They wish to celebrate and play together. The female character waited long for their husband to return from the war front.And how when the soldiers met during Christmas Day forgot their enmity and behaved like best friends.

The Best Christmas Present in the World Summary of the Lesson

The narrator went to a junk shop in Bridport looking for a roll-top desk. The junk-seller informed him that the desk he picked up was made of oak and need some repairing. The narrator found it cheaper than the others he had seen.

Although the desk was, not in proper shape yet he bought it and started working on it. He took out the damaged cover. He observed that water and fire spoiled the desk. He removed the roll-top completely and pulled out the drawers but for the last one, he had to apply force.

He took out a black tin box which had sello-tape on the top of it.There was a note on it with instructions to bury the letter with her when the time comes. Out of curiosity, he read the letters that mention the address of the lady Macpherson. It was written in pencil. He read the letter.

Class 8 Honeydew Lesson One (The Best Christmas Present in the ...

Her husband was happily narrating an incident. It was Christmas morning and they were standing in their trenches.

He observed a white flag waving from the side of German soldiers. They called out ‘Happy Christmas’ loudly. Soldiers from his side also wished them back cheerfully.

NCERT Class 8 English Solutions: The Best Christmas Present in the ...

However, the air of confusion was offering them to share schnapps and sausage. About twelve soldiers started coming towards them in no man’s land. Initially, the narrator was apprehensive yet he made no efforts to stop them.

He was rather happy that they were celebrating happiness with his enemy soldiers. He further added that he liked the way the German officer came towards him and introduced him.

The Best Christmas Present in the World Class 8 NCERT class 8 cbse ...

He wished him ‘Happy Christmas’ and told him that he was from Dusseldorf and he played the cello in the orchestra. Mr. Macpherson greeted him and replied that he was a school teacher from Dorset,in the west of England. 

He spoke almost perfect English. He was surprised to see Dusseldorf speaking good English and knew about Dorset where he never went. The source of his information was from reading English books.

They talked  about Bathsheba, Gabriel Oak, Sergeant Troy, and Dorset. They agreed on many things and also talked about their families. Jim shared his rum ration and his excellent sausage.

What Is Summer Sausage and Why Is It So Popular at Christmas ...

In the letter Jim was describing how did he celebrated with the enemy on the Christmas Eve.Then they played a game of football. 

Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson wanted to resolve the differences and would not harm their families. Macpherson was sure of winning a game of cricket. The game was won by Germans and to his surprise, Hans Wolf admitted that their goal was wider than theirs

Class-8- CHapter-1-The best Christmas present in the World - YouTube.

Soldiers of both the sides bade goodbye to each other and felt that the night was a memorable one. They exchanged carols, ‘Stille Nacht from German’s side and While Shepherd’s Watched’ from England side. Jim concluded the letter by saying that both armies wanted for peace.

The Best Christmas Present in the World - NCERT - Class 8 ...

After reading the letter, the author couldn’t sleep and decided to drive to Bridport. He asked a boy the address when he went there, an old man told him that he knew about Ms. Macpherson.

Her house was burnt. She used – candles instead of electricity considering it to be cheap. She was in a nursing home named ‘Burlington House’ on the Dorchester road.

When he entered he saw hallway and a lighted Christmas tree kept in a corner with a lopsided angel on top. He asked for Mr. Macpherson while waiting to observe that everyone in the dining room was singing and wearing a paper hat.

The matron offered a mince pie and took him along the corridor. She told him that  She would be happy to have a visitor as she didn’t have a family.

He saw an old lady sitting in a wheelchair. She folded hands in her lap. Her hair was folded in a wispy bun. The visitor wished her Merry Christmas Connie and gave her the tin box.


He described her how he discovered that. But she paid no heed to all his conversation. Rather she was smiling. She came forward with tearful eyes. She mistook him for her husband Jim.

She asked him to sit near her and read the letters himself. She wanted to hear his voice. She told him that she would make Christmas cake and marzipan.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How to use 'Would' in everyday speech


is a modal auxiliary verb.
The basic structure of would is :

subject + would + main verb

There are many uses of 'would:
  • Request
  • Offer
  • Future in the past
  • Past habitual action        
  • Second conditional 
  • Third conditional
  • Wishes
We can use would, would like or would you mind....? for polite requests.

You would meet me at my birthday party.
Would you like to celebrate Diwali with us.
Would you mind helping me to cut down trees?
Would you mind closing the window, please?           
Would you mind opening the door for me,please?
Would you mind if I turned up the heating?
Would you like another coffee?
Would you like me to answer the phone?

to suggest; to give; to say you are willing to do something or give something we use   "would like" in polite offers.When we do this ,we use question form.

Would you like some cakes?
Would you like to read this book?
Would you like it again?
Would you like some help?
Would you like to go the movie theater tonight?        
Would you like to watch television with me?
Would you like to meet next week?
Would you like a banana? 


It is used to express the idea that in the past you thought something would happen in the future.
Creative ways to host a virtual birthday party for kids | TechCrunch

He promised me he would send a gift on my birthday
I knew Ravi would make dinner.
He left 2 minutes late, unaware that the delay would save his life.
I knew you would help me.
I told Jaya that when she arrived, we would go out for dinner.
I knew that you would finish the homework by evening.


We can use would to talk about repeated past actions that don't happen any more. The use of 'would' means that these things many times in the past. If a past action happened only once, 'would' cannot be used.


Every Sunday I would go on a long bike ride.
When I was in the school, I would play games in the evening.
When we stayed in the hostel, we would make vegetables.
When I was younger, I would study for 6 hours everyday.
We would always go to the Sanwariyaji for buying samosas.
I would go swimming every Thursday.
He would smoke but he gave up a few years ago. 


It is a structure used to talk about impossible or imagery situations.
We use 'were' instead of 'was' with 'I' and 'he/she/it'.
If + Past Simple and would + infinitive
If I won a lot of money, I would travel the would.
If  I had enough money, I would buy a car.
IF I had the right qualifications I would get a good job.
If I met Sachin Tendulkar , I would say hello.
She would travel all over the world if she were rich.
She would pass the exam if she ever studied.
If I had his number , I would call him.
If I were you , I wouldn't go out with that man.


We use third conditional to talk about something in the past that did not happen.
If + Past Perfect, would + have + Past Participle

If I had known , I would have worn something nicer.
I definitely would have remembered if you had told me.
He wouldn't have missed the train if he hadn't overslept.
If I had seen him, I would have asked him to come over.
If I had known about the third conditional before , I wouldn't have failed my English test.


We use "I wish...would...." to say that we want something happen.

I wish you would stop making so much noise!
I wish you would come through the kitchen with your clean boots.
I wish the corona patients would recover soon.
I wish you would get keys of the new car.
I wish he would his homework.
I wish it would rain tomorrow.
I wish you would go to the party.