Saturday, March 18, 2023

Frenzied -Meaning , Synonyms , Examples


that is wild and out of control
उत्तेजित और बेक़ाबू

A list of synonyms for frenzied

  • agitated.
  • delirious.
  • feverish.
  • frantic.
  • frenetic.
  • furious.
  • hysterical.
  • rabid.

Here are some examples of nouns that can be used after "frenzied":


Example sentences:

The frenzied activity in the stock market caused a lot of panic among investors.

After the final exam, the students all exhibited frenzied behavior, running and shouting throughout the school.

The frenzied chaos at the concert was both exhilarating and terrifying.

The frenzied crowds outside the store on Black Friday were overwhelming.

The frenzied dance party lasted all night, with everyone jumping and gyrating to the beat.

The frenzied energy of the football game was palpable in the stadium.

The frenzied excitement surrounding the new product release was intense.

The frenzied fervor of the protesters was almost contagious.

The frenzied movement of the people in the subway station was dizzying.

The frenzied pace of the news cycle can be overwhelming at times.

The frenzied rush to finish the project on time resulted in some mistakes.

The frenzied screaming of the fans drowned out the music at the concert.

The frenzied shopping frenzy during the holiday season can be exhausting.

The frenzied state of the market made it difficult to make sound investment decisions.

The frenzied work pace during the busy season left everyone exhausted.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Bhagawad Gita chapter 1 verse 2 explanation with example and importance in modern life

 Bhagawad Gita chapter 1 verse 2  explanation with example and importance in modern life

Bhagavad Gita chapter 1 verse 2 is:

"Sanjaya said: O King, after looking over the army arranged in military formation by the sons of Pandu, King Duryodhana went to his teacher and spoke the following words:"

सञ्जय उवाच
दृष्ट्वा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा।
आचार्यमुपसङ्गम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.2।।


Sanjaya uvacha:
dhristvaa tu paandavaanikam vyoodham duryodhanstadaa |
aachaaryamupasangmaya raaja vachanambraveet || 2 ||

vyoodham: organized into a military formation
paandavaanikam: the Pandava army
dhrishtvaa: observing
tu: and
aachaaryam: Dronacharya – teacher Drona
upasangmaya: approached
raaja: king
duryodhan: Duryodhana
vachanam: words
abraveet: spoke


This verse is the beginning of the conversation between King Duryodhana and his teacher, Dronacharya, as they stand on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, ready to engage in war against the Pandavas.

This verse highlights the importance of seeking guidance from a mentor or teacher, especially in times of crisis or difficulty. Duryodhana, as a student of Dronacharya, is seeking his teacher's advice on how to approach the battle ahead. Similarly, in modern life, we can benefit from seeking guidance and advice from those with more knowledge or experience than ourselves, whether it be in our personal or professional lives.

This verse also emphasizes the importance of preparation and strategy in achieving success. Duryodhana is carefully studying the enemy army's formation and is seeking guidance on how to approach the battle. Similarly, in modern life, careful planning and preparation are necessary for achieving success in any endeavor.

Overall, Bhagavad Gita chapter 1 verse 2 teaches us the importance of seeking guidance, preparing carefully, and approaching challenges with a strategic mindset.

Bhagawad Gita Saar Chapter 1 Verse 1 explanation with example and importance in modern life

 Bhagawad Gita Saar Chapter 1 Verse 1  explanation with example and importance in modern life

 The first shloka of Bhagawad Gita is:

"dharmakshetre kurukshetre samaveta yuyutsavah
mamakah pandavas caiva kim akurvata sanjaya"

धर्मक्षेत्रे कुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः । मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत संजय ॥

This verse describes the scene of the battle of Kurukshetra, where the armies of the Pandavas and Kauravas have gathered to fight. The word "dharmakshetre" refers to the place of righteousness, and "kurukshetre" is the place where the battle is taking place. The verse mentions that both sides are eager to fight, and it ends with Sanjaya, the narrator of the story, asking Dhritarashtra what his sons and the Pandavas did when they met on the battlefield.

The verse has several interpretations and can be understood in different ways. One possible explanation is that it highlights the importance of duty or dharma in life. The word "dharmakshetre" suggests that the battlefield is not only a physical place but also a metaphorical one where one's duty and morality are tested. The verse implies that one should be ready to fight for what is right, even if it means going against their own family or friends. The Pandavas, for example, were fighting against their own cousins to uphold their righteous claim to the throne.

In modern life, this verse can be seen as a reminder that we all have our duties and responsibilities, and we should strive to fulfill them to the best of our abilities, even if it requires us to make sacrifices. For instance, if someone is a doctor, their duty is to heal patients, and they should put their patients' well-being above their personal interests. Similarly, if someone is a parent, their duty is to raise their children with love and care, even if it means making difficult choices.

In conclusion, the first shloka of Bhagavad Gita sets the tone for the rest of the epic, emphasizing the importance of duty, righteousness, and sacrifice. It can inspire us to live our lives with purpose and to fulfill our responsibilities with dedication and commitment.

Sunday, March 5, 2023





 Parts of speech, Different forms of irregular verbs, Number, Person and  gender, Tense and conjugations, Framing questions, opposite words, one   word for a group of words, degrees of comparison, collect new words and classify them into different parts of speech, use of has and have, Use of is, am and are, re-arrange jumbled words into sentence, voice, Use of simple prepositions, use of has to, have to, had to.

The following activities are based on the above topics.

Activity 1:-   Pick out proper nouns and common nouns from the following sentences:

a) Mohan is a good boy.

b)  Delhi is the capital of India.

c)  Rani is a good girl.

d)  Mohit is my brother.

e)  Sohan lives in a small house.

  f)  The Taj Mahal is in Agra.


  a) Mohan – proper noun          boy – common noun

  b) Delhi, India – proper noun        capital – common noun

  c) Rani – proper noun                      girl – common noun

  d) Mohit – proper noun                 brother – common noun

  e)  Sohan – proper noun                house – common noun

  f)  Taj Mahal, Agra – proper noun

Activity 2.  Pick out collective nouns and Abstract Nouns in the following sentences.  

  a)  The girls were in the class.

  b)  There is a bundle of sticks on the table.

  c)  Experience is the best teacher.

  d)  I lost my bunch of keys.

  e)  Health is wealth.

  f)  We all love honesty.


  a) class – collective noun

  b) bundle of sticks – collective noun

  c) experience – abstract noun

  d)  bunch of keys – collective noun

  e) health – abstract noun

  f) honesty – abstract noun

Activity 3. Pick out the verb in the following sentences.

  a)  The soldiers fought bravely.

  b)  They saw an ostrich.

  c)  The children laughed.

  d)  Mohit became happy.

  e)  The dog is a faithful animal.

  f)  I heard the news.


  a) fought       b) saw   c) laughed     d) became     e) is      f) heard

Topic:-  Number, Person and Gender.

Activity 4:- Change the following sentences from Plural to Singular.

  a) These birds are flying.

  b)  Those boxes are heavy.

  c)  The leaves are green.

  d)  The children have toys.

  e)  Those girls are innocent.

  f)  The teachers told stories.


   a)  This bird is flying.

  b)  That box is heavy.

  c)  The leaf is green.

  d)  The child has toys.

  e)  That girl is innocent.

 f)  The teacher told stories.

Activity 5:- Write the opposite Gender.

  a)  peacock

  b)  gentleman

  c) goddess

  d)  woman

  e)  emperor


  a) peahen         b) lady         c) god      d)  man       e) empress

Activity 6:- Based on Tense.

     Name the tense of each of the verbs in the following sentences.

  a)  You tell a lie.

  b)  The boys will be playing in the match.

  c)  He played the match.

  d)  They have told a lie.

  e)  They were playing the match.

  f)  The boys had gone before the teacher came.

  g)  I shall learn my lesson.

  h)  My mother is cooking food.


  a)  Present Indefinite

  b)  Future Continuous

  c)  Past Indefinite

  d) Present Perfect

  e)  Past Continuous

  f)  Past Perfect and Past Indefinite

  g) Future Indefinite

  h) Present Continuous

Activity 7:- Based on Question Framing

       Frame questions for the following sentences.

  a)  Someone stole my pen.

  b)  I want a notebook.

  c)  The train left at 5’o clock.

  d)  I have bought the black shirt.

  e)  He came to school by bus.

  f) I was born in Kolkata.

  g)  This is my pencil.       

  h)  She writes very carefully.


  a)  Who stole your pen?

  b)  What do you want?

  c) When did the train leave?

  d)  Which shirt have you bought?

  e)  How did he come to school?

  f)  Where were you born?

  g)  Whose pencil is this?

  h)  How does she write?

Activity 8:- Instead of the underlines words write its opposite words.

  a)  The boys were waiting outside.

  b)  You must not eat your food quickly.

  c)  Mohit spelt this word wrongly.

  d)  He went to bed late.

  e)  The teacher treated the boy cruelly.

  f)  He does his work carefully.

  g)  He acted foolishly.


  a) inside         b)  slowly           c)  correctly          d)  early           

  e)  kindly          f)  carelessly         g)  wisely

Activity 9:-Based on activity given in lesson “Who I Am”.

     Find one word for each of the following groups of words.

  a)  a person who sell medicines.                  ---------.

  b)  a person who edits a newspaper, periodical  or a book. ---

  c)  a person who draws funny drawings of well-known people. -----

  d)  Someone who sells fruits and vegetables. ----------------

  e)  Someone who writes books, stories, etc.  ----------------

  f)  a person who designs buildings and supervises their construction.  --------------

  g)  a person who is trained to fly an aeroplane. -------------

  h)  a person who cuts your hair.  ---------------------------


  a)  chemist     b)editor            c) cartoonist          d)  green grocer        e)  author

  f)  architect        g)  pilot          h)  barber

Activity 10:- Based on Degrees of comparison.

       Example: - There are many good scientists in India.

                         The Banyan tree was older than Grandfather.

                        During the fig season, the banyan tree was the nosiest place in the garden.

    Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Adjectives given in brackets.

  a)Mukesh is the --------------- boy in the class.     (good)

  b)  This question is ----------------- than that.  (difficult)

  c)  Ramu is the --------------- man in the village. (poor)

  d)  Prevention is ---------------- than cure. (good)

  e)  Mt.Everest is the --------------- peak in the world. (high)

  f)  He is as --------------------as the wind. (quick)

  g)  The white box is ----------------- than the blue box. (heavy)

  h)  She is --------------- than Mohini. (old)


  a) best       b) more difficult        c)  poorest       d) better       e)  highest 

  f)  quick       g)  heavier        h) older

Activity 11:- Fill in the blanks using ‘has or have’.

  a) I ---------------- my new pen. 

  b)  He --------------- bought the black shirt.  

  c) She ------------------ done well in the exam.

  d)  He ------------------ four brothers.

  e)  They ---------------------- two houses.


  a)  have       b) has     c) has     d) has    e) have

Activity 12:- Fill in the blanks using is, am or are.

  a) My uncle ---------------- reading the newspaper now.

  b)  They ----------------- playing football.

  c)  He --------------- a doctor.

  d) Nicky --------- writing a letter.

  e)  I --------- doing my homework.

  f)  We ----------- waiting for the train.


  a) is       b) are       c) is      d) is     e) am     f) are

Activity 13:- Arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.

  a)  stole/the thief/diamond/my/necklace.

  b)  going to/are/Delhi/we/next week.

  c)  perform/their/they/well/duties.

  d)  in the/will/evening/they/come

  e)  to the/temple/ to prey/she/goes

  f)  are/the questions/difficult/very

  g)  always/my/is/uncle/punctual


  a) The thief stole my diamond necklace.

  b)  We are going to Delhi next week.

  c)  They perform their duties well.

  d)  They will come in the evening.

  e)  She goes to the temple to prey.

  f)  The questions are very difficult.

  g) My uncle is always punctual.

Activity 14:-Based on Voice

 Example:- The case was considered deeply. – Passive voice

                      Sahu proposed the name of Jumman. – Active voice

 Identify the following sentences Active or Passive.

  a) We repaired the bicycle.

  b)  The books were stolen by Deepa.

  c)  I will complete the work.

  d)  The apples were eaten by Suman.

  e)  Reena opened the door.

  f)  The car was driven by Raju.

  g)  Children like sweets.

  h)  A gardener waters these plants.


  a)  Active     b) Passive        c) Active       d) Passive        e) Active         f) Passive

  g) Active        h) Active

Activity 15:-Based on use of simple prepositions

    Example:- There was a fair in our village.

                     Bhaiya and I went from shop to shop.

     Fill in the blanks choosing the correct prepositions from the list given below.

                  In         at              on              from               by              for       

                      above           over                between                 among

  a)  The books are ------------ the table.

  b)  Who is standing    ------------- the door?

  c)  My house is ----------- a bank.

  d)  You must finish this work    ------------- 5’o clock.

  e)  She lives   --------- Punjab.

  f)  She works --------- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  g)  She divided the money -------------- five of them.

  h)  Wednesday falls ---------- Tuesday and Thursday.

  i)  We stayed at Delhi ----------- a week.


  a) on        b) at          c) above          d) by         e) in         f) from          g) among

  h) between         i) for

Activity 16:- Based on use of has to/have to and cannot.

     Example:- Animals cannot survive for long without water.

                         So desert animals have to find different ways of coping.

   Complete the following sentences using cannot and has to /have to

  a) You ----------------- reach the island by land or air; you ------------------- go by boat.

  b)  We ----------------- bacteria with our eyes; we ------------------ look at them through a microscope.

  c)  You ------------------- believe everything you hear; you------------------ use your own judgment.

  d)  He -------------- have a new bicycle now; he --------------- wait till next year.

  e)  She -------------------- accept this decision; she -------------------------- question it.


  a) cannot, have to

  b) cannot, have to

  c) cannot, have to

  d) cannot, has to

  e) cannot, has to 


Fill in the blanks with adjectives made from nouns given in the brackets.

  a)  The mother was ---------------------- because the children did not do their homework.  (anger)

  b)  The servant was very ---------------. (need)

  c)  It is very ---------------- that anyone survive the air crash.  (doubt)

  d)  Akbar was a very ----------------- king.  (power)

  e)  A ---------------- crow went in search of water.  (thirst)

  f)  It was very difficult to drive on the ------------------ road. (mud)

Join the following pairs of sentences using the conjunctions given in the brackets:

  a)  I arrived at the station.  The platform was empty.  (when)

  b)  He lived in Delhi.  He came to Mumbai.  (before)

  c)  Hurry up, we will miss the train.  (otherwise)

  d)  He went to school.  He recovered from illness.  (after)

  e)  She tried hard.  She could not win the match.  (although)

  f)  You may go home.  You are not feeling well.  (if)

  g)  It was extremely hot inside. We continued to work.  (but)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

  a)  The passengers had some   ---------------------- injuries.   (serious/seriously)

  b)  Mr. Sinha is ---------------- upset about losing his job.  (terrible/terribly)

  c)  Mrs.Sarala likes wearing ---------------------- clothes.  (colourful/colourfully)

  d)  Everybody at the party was ---------------- dressed.   (nice/nicely)

  e)  There was a -------------- change in the weather.  (sudden/suddenly)

  f)  Don’t go up that ladder.  It does not look ------------- (safe/safely)

Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the brackets which match the with the  subjects in the following sentences.

  a)  Mrs. Geetha’s children ------------------ very naughty.  (is/are)

  b)  The mother of these children ---------------- a doctor.  (are/is)

  c)  How many legs ----------------------- this chair have? ( do/does)

  d)  Six kilometers ------------------- a long walk.  (are/is)

  e)  English ----------------------- my favourite subject.  (is/are)

  f)  How many toys your sister --------------------- (has/have)

Use comparative degrees to complete the sentence.

  a)  The Mongoose was ------------------- than the snake. (quick)

  b)  The snake was ---------------------- (big) than the mongoose.

  c)  The myna was ------------------------- (lucky) than the crow.

d)  Daya is ------------------- (rich) than Mayank.

  e)  The boy is ----------------- (thin) than the girl.

Fill in the blanks by using the noun forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

  a)  He sent an --------- to his friends to attend his birthday party.  (invite)

  b)  He wrote an ----------- for fee concession. (apply)

  c)  Each ------------- in the debate was given five minutes. (speak)

  d)  He had made some mistake in --------------. (calculate)

  e)  Edison was the -------------- of the gramophone. (invent)





 Time:- 3 Hrs M.M. – 90


1) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow each:-  1 x 8=8

A camel and a jackal were friends. One day the jackal took his friend to a big sugarcane farm. It was on the opposite side of the river. After a sumptuous meal the jackal began to howl loudly. The camel pleaded jackal not to do so, but jackal said that it was his habit. Soon the farmers came and thrashed the camel badly. When the camel crossed the river, the jackal joined him on his back. The camel took deliberate dip in the water. When the jackal pleaded, the camel said that he had the habit of rolling in the water after every meal. The poor jackal was drowned.

Now complete the following on the basis of your reading of the passage:

  1. ..................... and   ....................... were two friends.

  2. The jackal took the camel to   ............................................................ 

  3. The farm was on ........................................of the river.

  4. After the meal the jackal began to....................................................

  5. The farmers came and   ..........................................................................

  6. When   the  came l crossed  the river, He took a deliberate.................................................

  7. The camel   said that he had a habit ..........................................................................

  8. Synonym of   sumptuous is................................................................................

2) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:                       1 x 12=12

Long ago there was a blind beggar in Vienna. Every evening he begged in the streets. He loved playing his violin. Every evening he stood in a street and began singing and playing his violin. His dog sat by him. It held a cap in its mouth. People enjoyed listening to the music . They felt pity for the blind beggar and dropped coins into the cap. In this way the blind beggar made his living, and he and his dog were quite happy. But one night the beggar played for a long time and got nothing. He said to himself, “ All my singing and begging has brought me nothing today. People have stopped listening to my music and they have no pity. How can I make my living in this city?” He felt very sad and stopped playing the violin.

  1. The beggar was lived in ......................

a)London b) Vienna c) Pakistan d)India

  1. What did the blind beggar do every evening?

a)Played cricket b) robbed people c) begged in the streets     d) none of the above

  1. What did he love to play?

a) play violin b) play marbles c) tell stories d)do gossip

  1. Where did his dog sit?

a) By his side b) Near a pole c) On a wall                               d) None of the above

  1. What did the dog do while the beggar played his violin ?

a)  It sat silently by the blind beggar 

b)  It barked at the passer-by.

c)  It held a cap in its mouth.

d)  None of the above

  1. Why did the people drop coins  into the cap?

a) They felt pity for the beggar.

b) They wanted to help the beggar.

c) Because they enjoyed listening to his music.

d)  All the above.

  1. How did the blind beggar make his living?

a)By begging in the streets.

b)  By playing his violin.

c)  By both (a) and (b) above.

d)  By neither (a) nor (b) above.

  1. What did he got one night by playing violin?

a) Gold b)  silver c)  coins d)  nothing

  1. How did he feel?

a) happy b) sad c) angry d) none of the above

  1. What did he do after that?

a)  stop playing violin b) started weeping c)  started laughing

d)  none of the above

  1. Find from the passage the opposite of ‘cruelty’.

a) pity b) sad c)  dropped d)  quite

  1. Which musical instrument is mentioned in the passage?

a)  flute b) violin c)  guitar d)  drum

SECTION –B : WRITING(20 marks)

3) Write an application to the Principal as you need to change your section. 8


    Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend his summer vacations with you.

4) Write a short paragraph on any one of the following: 6

  1. My favourite teacher

  2. Television

  3. Computer

  4. Hostel life

5) Write any one of the following stories: 6

  1. The Monkey and the Cap seller

  2. Union is strength

SECTION – C : GRAMMAR(15 marks)

6) Tick the correct degree of comparison in the following sentences: 1 x 3=3

  1. Ram is .................than Shan. (short/shorter/shortest)
  2. This is the ...................dress I have ever seen. (beautiful/more beautiful/most beautiful)
  3. There are .................. ships in the sea. (much/many/plenty)

7) Rewrite the following passage using the present continuous tense of the verbs given in the brackets: 1 x 5=5

What (a)..........(is) the children in the picture (b)...............(do) ? A number of eatables (c)......................(hang) from the ceiling.Four children (d).................(try)  to catch them with their mouth. They (e) ...................(have) their hands behind their back.

8) Change the number of the underlined words: 1 x 5=5

  1. A child is playing with a ball.

  2. A mango is kept on the table.

  3. My teeth are aching.

  4. Mothers love their children.

  5. I want a bat and a ball.

9) Fill in a suitable noun. 1 x 2=2

  1. There is a ...............of keys on the table.

  2. Our ................... won the match.


10) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1x5=5

The Bear agreed to this readily and said : “ Let us go and find a herd of cows. I’ll kill a cow and then we can both eat our fill.” They walked on and soon saw a herd of cows, but just as they were about to come up to it they were stopped by a terrible noise. The cows were mooing loudly and running in a panic in all directions.

  1. What did the bear agree to do this?

  2. Where did the bear propose to the dog to go?

  3. How will they eat their fill?

  4. Why were they stopped?

  5. Give the sounds of cats, goats and lions.

11) Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow: 1x5=5

How bright on the blue

Is a kite when it’s new!

With a dive and dip

It snaps its tail

Then soars like a ship

With only a sail

  1. From which poem this stanza has been taken?

  2. Who is the poet of this poem?

  3. How does the new kite look?

  4. How does it snap its tail?

  5. How does the kite soar?

12) Answer any five questions: 3x5=15

  1. What was Patrick’s wish?

  2. Who did the dog finally choose as his master and why?

  3. Why did the villagers want to drown Taro?

  4. How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking sake?

  5. When and why did she go to the US? Who did she marry?

  6. What was the game that every child in the school had to play?

13) Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

  1. How did the two baby birds get separated?

  2. Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?

  3. Who visited the shepherd one day and why?

  4. What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper?

  5. What did the other courtiers feel about Hansen?








  1.  ( 8 marks)

  1. A camel and a jackal

  2. A big sugarcane farm

  3. The opposite side 

  4. To howl loudly

  5. Thrashed the camel

  6. Dip in the water

  7. Of rolling  in the water after every meal

  8. Deliberate

  1.   (12 marks)

  1. Vienna

  2. Begged in the streets

  3. Play violin

  4. By his side

  5. It held a cap in its mouth.

  6. All the above

  7. By both (a) and (b)

  8. Nothing

  9. Sad

  10. Stop playing violin

  11. Pity

  12. Violin


6.   (3 marks)

  1. Shorter

  2. Most beautiful

  3. Many

7.   (5 marks)

  1. Are

  2. Doing

  3. Are hanging

  4. Are trying

  5. Are having

8.  (5 marks)

  1. Children are playing with a ball.

  2. Mangoes are kept on the table.

  3. My tooth is aching.

  4. Mother loves her  children.

  5. I want bats and balls.

9.  (2 marks)

  1. Bunch

  2. Team


10.  (5 marks)

  1. The bear agreed to keep the dog in his service.

  2. The bear proposed to the dog to find a herd of cows.

  3. They will eat their fill when the bear kills a cow.

  4. They were stopped to hear a terrible noise.

  5. Cats mew, goats bleat and lions roar.

11.  (5 marks)

  1. This stanza has been taken from the poem  ‘The Kite’

  2. Harry Behn is the poet.

  3. The new kite looks bright.

  4. It snap its tail with a dive and a dip.

  5. The kite soars like a ship with a single sail.

12.  (15 marks)

  1. The elf should do all his work till  the end of the semester. 3

  2. Finally  he chose the man as his master.  It was because, man is stronger  than anyoe on earth. 3

  3. Because they thought that Taro had  tricked them. 3

  4. By doing a little dance in the middle of the floor. 3

  5. After getting the degree of Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering she went to US for a Master Degree. She married flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison. 3

  6. Every child in the school had to play the role of a blind, a lame, a deaf, an injured, and a dumb for a day. 3

13.  (10 marks)

  1. They get seperated by a storm. 2

  2. To provide a companion to his son. 2

  3. One day the king visited the shepherd because He wanted to meet him. 2

  4. He had no sign of friendliness in his eyes.Moreover he had a gun  in his hand. 2

  5. The other courtiers felt jealous about Tansen. 2






 Time:- 3 Hrs M.M. – 90

SECTION – A : READING ( 20 Marks)

Q:1 Read the passage carefully and give the answers given below: 1x8=8

Guru Nanak and one of his disciples Mardana were on their way to Multan. The city was famous for the priests and religious teachers. People went to that town to seek blessings of those priests and religious teachers. The religious teachers feared that people would not listen to them if they come to know about Nanak’s arrival. 

They thought of an idea. They filled up a bowl with milk to its brim and asked one of their messengers to take the bowl to Guru Nanak without spilling a drop.

Messenger reached Guru Nanak with bowl. He understood the message: ‘Just as there is no room for another drop of milk in the bowl, there is no room for another teacher in the city.’ Guru Nanak also sent a message. He gently dropped a Jasmine flower on the surface of milk in the bowl. It not only floated on the surface of milk, but its fragrance also scented all milk. He didn’t say anything. The religious teachers understood the unsaid message: ‘There is always room for holiness and goodness in the world’. The religious teachers rushed to welcome Guru Nanak and Mardana into their city.

  1. Where were Guru  Nanak and his disciple going?

  1. Kabul

  2. Multan

  3. Punjab

  4. America

  1. Who was Mardana?

 (a) A thief

 (b) Guru Nanak’s disciple

  (c) A religious teacher

 (d) A Guru

  1. The city was famous for ………………..

  1. Priests and religious teachers

  2. Rivers

  3. Mountains

  4. Corruption

  1. Why were the religious teacher feared about the visit of Guru Nanak?

(a) People would not attend to them

(b) People would not listen to them

(c) People would not respect them

(d) People would not talk to them

  1. Who reached Guru Nanak with a bowl?

  1. People

  2. Messengers

 (c) Religious teachers

  (d) Guru

  1. What was the unsaid message?

  1. There is no room for holiness and goodness in the world.

  2. There is always room for holiness and goodness in the world.

  3. Holiness and goodness are not present in the world.

  4. Holiness and goodness are not worthy.

  1. What is the noun form of ‘Good’ in the passage?

  1. Helpful

  2. Goodness

  3. Religious

  4. Generous

  1. Which flower is mentioned in this passage?

  1. Rose

  2. Jasmine

  3. Lotus

  4. Marigold

Q: 2 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below: 1 x 12=12

Once a farmer lived in Bihar. He was not  rich. He behaved with the people wisely. One morning he was ploughing his field. By chance the king passed through his farm. The farmer respected the king. The king asked the farmer about his income. He replied that he was living from hand to mouth. His condition was not good. The king gave him some gold coins.He became rich with the gold coins. So the farmer prayed for king’s prosperity.


  1. Where did the farmer live?

  2. Was he rich?

  3. How did he behave with people?

  4. What was he doing one morning?

  5. Who passed through his farm?

  6. What did the king ask the farmer?

  7. What was the condition?

  8. What did the king give him?

  9. How did he became rich?

  10. What did he pray for?

  11. Find the opposite of ‘fool’ from the passage.

  12. Make a sentence of your own using the word ‘prosperity’

SECTION –B : WRITING ( 20 Marks)

3)  write an application to your principal asking him to get more story books for your school library. 8


You are  Nishant Gupta living in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi. You have received an unsatisfactory report of your brother Abhishek, studying in college and he stays in a hostel. Write a letter to him advising to work hard for the final examination.

4)  Write a short paragraph on any one of the following: 6

  1. My favourite sport

  2. My pet

  3. My hobby

  4. My favourite T.V. Programme

5.  Write any one of the following stories: 6

  1. The fox and the Grapes

  2. The Greedy Dog

SECTION – C : GRAMMAR (15 Marks)

5)  Write three forms of these verbs: 4

  1.   ……… Worse …………..

  2. Brave ……...... …………..

  3. ……….. ……….. Best

  4. Great ………... ……………

6.  Fill in the blamks with suitable prepositions: 4

(among, into, with, to)

  1. Teacher was very happy …….. his result.

  2. Lata is married ……….my cousin.

  3. He had a happy time ……….boys of his own age.

  4. She went ……..the kitchen.

7.  Give the opposites of the following words: 4

  1. Beautiful ……………..

  2. Long ……………..

  3. Good ……………..

  4. Slow ……………..

8.  Rearrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences: 3

  1. Many/festivals/celebrated/in/types/India/of/are

  2. These/Holi/some/Diwali/of/are Eid/Christmas/and

  3. Festival/Holi/the colours/is/of


9.  Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow: 1 x 5=5

For millions of young Indians, the story of Kalpana Chawla, a girl from a small town who touched the skies, had become an inspiration. In a message that she sent from aboard the space shuttle, Columbia, to students of her college in Chandigarh, Kalpana said : “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get onto it …………………….. Wishing you a great journey.”

  1. For whom is the story of Kalpana Chawla an inspiration?

  2. From where did she send the message?

  3. Whom did Kalpana send message to?

  4. According to Kalpana which path does success exist?

  5. Give the opposite of ‘courage’

9.  Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow: 1x5=5

I quarreled with my brother

I don’t know what about,

One thing led to another

And somehow we fell out.

  1. From which poem this stanza has been taken?

  2. Who is the poet of this poem?

  3. Between whom did the quarrel take place?

  4. What was the quarrel about?

  5. Give the rhyming words in the above stanza.

10.  Answer any five of the following questions: 3x5=15

  1. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?

  2. Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?

  3. Why did the emperor reward Taro?

  4. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian American?

  5. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?

  6. Why did Taro run in the direction of the sound?

11.  Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

  1. What did the farmer say on his wife’s fear of Mongoose?

  2. Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?

  3. Why did the king made shepherd the governor?

  4. How did Ray communicate with the Shoppers?

  5. What did the first bird say?







1.  (8 marks)

  1. (b)Multan

  2. (b)Guru Nanak’s disciple

  3. (a)Priests and religious teachers

  4. (b)People would not listen to them

  5. (b) messengers

  6. (b) There is always room for holiness and goodness in the world.

  7. (b) Goodness

  8. (b) Jasmine

2.  (12 marks)

  1. The farmer lived in Bihar.

  2. No, he was not rich.

  3. He behaved with people wisely.

  4. He was ploughing his field.

  5. The king passed through his farm.

  6. The king asked him about his income.

  7. His condition was not good.

  8. The king gave him some gold coins.

  9. He became rich with the gold coins.

  10. He prayed for the king’s prosperity.

  11. wise

  12. * The answer of this question may differ.


3.   (8 marks

        Format – 2 marks

        Concept  - 3 marks

        Accuracy and Fluency – 3 marks

4.   (6 marks)

        Concept  - 4 marks

        Accuracy and Fluency – 2 marks

5.   (6 marks)

        Concept  - 4 marks

        Accuracy and Fluency – 2 marks


6.  (4 marks)

  1. Bad worse worst

  2. Brave braver bravest

  3. Good better best

  4. Great greater greatest

7.  (4 marks)

  1. With

  2. To

  3. Among

  4. Into

8.  (4 marks)

  1. Ugly

  2. Short

  3. Bad

  4. Fast

9.  (3 marks)

  1. Many types of festivals  are celebrated in India.

  2. Some of these are Holi, Diwali, Christmas and Eid.

  3. Holi is the festival of colours.


10.  (5 marks)

  1. For millions of Indians the story of Kalpana Chawla is an inspiration.

  2. She sent the message from aboard the space shuttle.

  3. She sent the message to the students of her college in Chandigarh.

  4. The path from dreams to success does exist.

  5. Discourage

11.  (5 marks)

  1. This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘The Quarrel’

  2. Eleanor Farjeon is the poet.

  3. Between a brother and a sister  /  between two brothers

  4. The quarrel was about some issue not known to either of them.

  5. Brother- another

About – out

12.  (15 marks)

  1. Because Patrick saved him from the cat. 3

  2. Because no other beast in the forest was stronger than the lion. 3

  3. To encourage the children to honour and obey their parents. 3

  4. She was born at Karnal in Haryana. She was married to a flight instructor of US. Therefore she is called an Indian American. 3

  5. He was sick and tired of his life . He was frightened of the stronger creatures. So, he felt the need for a master. 3

  6. Because he was thirsty. 3

13.  (10 marks)

  1. The farmer said that mongoose was friendly animal and there is no need to be afraid of him. 2

  2. Because he was very much impressed by his singing. 2

  3. Because he was very wise. 2

  4. Ray communicated with the shoppers by writing on a notepad. 2

  5. The first bird called the thieves to steal the King’s jewels. 2



          PRACTICE PAPER  3



 Time:- 3 Hrs M.M. – 90


  1. Read the passage carefully and answer  the following questions that follow: 1x8=8

One day it rained heavily. The hole of the Kalanag was filled with water. He came out of his hole. He was sitting in the open lawn. His hood was shining. The ground was muddy. He could not run. The boys brought sticks. They attacked him. He tried  to escape. They put it into a tin.

  1. What happened one day?

  2. What was filled with water?

  3. Who came out of his hole?

  4. Where was the Kalanag sitting?

  5. What was shining?

  6. How was the ground?

  7. Who bought sticks?

  8. Where did the boys put the Kalanag?

  1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1 x 12=12

Fishes are cold-blooded animals that live in water. They breath with gills. Their bodies are covered with scales. Fish swim with the help of fins. Many of them swim very fast. Such fishes are long and narrow and thick in the middle. Others are flat fishes. Some have a bladder filled with air. With the help of this bladder fishes can stay anywhere in water without moving. Most fishes lay eggs. These eggs are called ‘roe’.

  1. Where do fishes live?

  2. How do they breath?

  3. What are their bodies covered with?

  4. How do fishes swim?

  5. What is the shape of the body of fast swimming fishes?

  6. What are the other fishes called?

  7. How is the bladder helpful to the fishes?

  8. What is the bladder filled with?

  9. What do most fishes lay?

  10. What are the eggs of the fish called?

  11. Find a word from the passage opposite to ‘empty’.

  12. Make a sentence using the word ‘swim’.


  1. Write an application to the principal requesting him for sick leave. 8


Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some money.

  1. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics in 80 words or 10 sentences: 6

  1. Myself

  2. My Best Friend

  3. Deepawali

  1. Write any one story: 6

  1. The Thirsty crow

  2. The Lion and the Mouse


  1. Change the number of the following: 1/2 x 6=3

Cat, Church, Baby, Step-daughter, Story, Toy

  1. Change the gender of the following: 1/2 x 6=3

Poet, Lion, Husband, Sir, Man, Uncle

  1. State the kinds  of the following nouns: 1x5=5

Ram, Book, team, gold,  beauty

    9) Fill in the blanks using (is,am,are)         1x4=4

  1. He……..a good singer.

  2. We…….friends and we play together.

  3. You……….. a good swimmer.

  4. I ............. ten years old.


10) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1 x 5=5

Most of the snakes  are quite harmless- but there are a few that are so poisonous they can kill a human being with just one bite. Most snakes lay eggs, but there are many which give birth to their young. In the dry, rocky deserts of America lives a rather evil looking snake with a very bad reputation. Its frightening rattle can be heard as far as thirty metres away, and it can strike with lightning speed.

  1. Are all the snakes harmful?

  2. What can the very poisonous snakes do?

  3. Do all the snakes lay eggs?

  4. Where does the evil looking snake live?

  5. How far can its frightening rattle be heard?

11) Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1 x 5=5

 Last night, while I lay thinking here,

Some what-ifs crawled inside my ear

And pranced and partied all night long

And sang their same old What if song;

  1. Name the poem.

  1. Vocation b.  What if c.  Beauty d.  The Kite

  1. Who is the writer of this poem?

  1. Shel Silverstein b.  Harry Behn c.  Peter Dixon d.  Mary O’Neill

  1. What was the poet doing last night?

  1. Sleeping b.  Writing c.  Singing d.  Thinking

  1. What came to the poet?

  1. Whatifs b.  Dreams c.  New songs d.  Fear

  1. Which time is mentioned in these lines?

  1.  Afternoon b.  Night c.  Morning d.  Evening

12) Answer any five of the following questions: 3x5=15

  1. What was Jumman’s verdict as head panch? How did Algu take it? 

  2. Why do you think Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy anything in his absence?

  3. How do mongooses kill snakes?

  4. Which day of the week is Peter’s favourite day and why?

  5. What did the myna do finally?

  6. Why was Rasheed upset?

13) Answer any five of the following question: 2x5=10

  1. Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband?

  2. What happens to our body when we sleep?

  3. Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?

  4. Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?

  5. What was Vijay Singh’s weakness? Which awkward situation did it push him into?







  1.  (8 marks) 

  1. One day it rained heavily 

  2. The hole of the kalanag was filled with water.

  3. Kalanag came out of his hole.

  4. He was sitting in the open lawn.

  5. His hood was shining.

  6. The ground was muddy.

  7. The boys brought sticks.

  8. They put it into a tin.

  1.   (12 marks)

  1. Fishes live in water

  2. They breathe with gills.

  3. Their bodies are covered with scales.

  4. Fishes swim with the help of the gills.

  5. They are long and narrow and thick in the middle.

  6. Others are called flat fishes.

  7. With the help of the bladder, fishes can stay anywhere in water without moving.

  8. The bladder is filled with air.

  9. Most fishes lay eggs.

  10. The eggs of the fish are called ‘roe’.

  11. filled

  12. Make any sentence  using this word.


3.   (8 marks)

       Format – 2 marks

      Concept – 3 marks

      Accuracy and Fluency – 3 marks

4.   (6 marks)

      concept – 5 marks

     Accuracy and Fluency – 3 marks

5.  (6 marks)

     Concept – 5 marks

     Accuracy and Fluency – 3 marks

SECTION – C : GRAMMAR  (15 Marks)

6.  Cats, churches, babies, step-daughters, storeys, toys 3

7.  Poetess, lioness, wife, madam, woman, aunt 3

8.  Ram – Proper Noun Book – Common Noun 5

     Team – Collective Noun Gold – Material Noun

     Beauty- Abstract Noun

9.  (4 marks)

  1. Is

  2. Are

  3. Are

  4. Am


10.  (5 marks)

  1. No

  2. It can kill a human being with just one bite.

  3. No, many snakes give birth to their young.

  4. In rocky deserts of America.

  5. Thirty metres away.

11.  (5 marks)

  1. b)  whatif

  2. a)  Shel Silverstein

  3. d)  thinking

  4. a) whatifs  

  5. b) night

12.  (15 marks)

  1. That  Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock. Algu was overjoyed. 3

  2. Because he could be made fool by businessmen. 3

  3. They dodge the strokes of the snakes and then kill the snakes without getting hurt. 3

  4. Sunday. Because his whole family always goes to the cinema. 3

  5. The myna gave a shrill cry of congratulation and flew away. 3

  6. Because he had lost all his money at Lucky Shop. 3

13.  (10 marks)

  1. Because she had to wait for her husband too much. 2

  2. Our muscles and heart beat becomes slower, temperature and blood pressure also slow down. 2

  3. Because they had given their word to Saeeda. 2

  4. Because in his village people of different religions quarrel with each other. 2

  5. He was fond of boasting. He had to go to the haunted desert. 2






 Time:- 3 Hrs M.M. – 90


1) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow each:-  1 x 10=10

There lived a man in a town. His name was Govind. But people called him Mote Ram because he was fat. He had a nice little house and a lovely garden behind it. There was  a deep well in it. Mote Ram drew water from it for his garden.

Once there was no rain during rainy season. The plants and the flowers in his garden were going to die. They were badly in need of water. He wanted to water the garden. But he was very old and weak. The water in the well had already gone down, so he could not draw it.


  1. Where did the man live?

  2. What was his name?

  3. What did people call him?

  4. Why did they call him by that name?

  5. Was his house big?

  6. What sort of garden had he?

  7. Where was the garden?

  8. Where was the well?

  9. What did the plants and the flowers in the garden need?

  10. Why could he not draw water from the well?

2.  Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1 x 10=10

      Of all the creatures living on the earth, none causes more harm than the rats and mice. Their high  rate of breeding beats all efforts at controlling them. The damage done by them to agriculture alone is enormous. Grains of all sorts are their chief and favourite food. Grave havoc is also caused to all kinds of fruits and vegetables and to poultry and other domestic stock. They are also the cause of dangerous diseases. Rat-tainted food causes disease to man and animal. Bubonic plague, the dreadful disease, is spread by rats. There are many kinds of rats and mice in India; first, those that live in fields, the common enemy of crops; the second, the wild species found in forests; and the last those which are household pests.

  1. Which creature do the most harm to man on earth?

a) snakes            b) lions               c) rats and mice               d) elephants

  1. To which sector do they make the most damage?

a) agriculture      b) animal husbandry c) heavy industry d) shipping

  1. Which disease is spread by rats?

a) malaria b) cholera c) chicken pox d) plague

  1. Three species of rats are mentioned in the above passage. Which one species i not include of the following?

a) field rats b) wild rats c) pet rats d) household pests

  1. What is the favourite food of the rats?

a) ragged clothes b) food grains of all sorts     d) flesh d) human and animal refuse

  1. Why is it not possible to control rats?

a) They live undergrounds b) we can’t kill them because they run fast        c) their life expectancy rate is high d) their breeding rate is high

  1. Which word has the meaning same as ‘very great/immense’?

a)  enormous b) high c) havoc d) species

  1. Select the opposite of ‘lost’:

a) enormous b) found c) controlling d) sorts 

  1. ___________causes disease to man and animals.

a) rat tainted food            b)  sweets          c)  grass                  d)  water

  1. __________is spread by rats.

a) Malaria                 b)  fever              c)Bubonic plague    d)  poison


3. Write an application to the principal  requesting him for two days leave as you have an urgent work at home. 8


Write an application to the principal requesting to grant 2 days leave on Holi festival.

4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics in 80 words or 10 sentences: 6

  1. Myself

  2. My Best Friend

  3. My school

5. .Write any one story: 6

  1. The Dove and the Bee

  2. The Lion and the Mouse

SECTION-C : GRAMMAR (15 marks)

6. Change the following into plurals : 1/2 x 6=3

Book,  Boy,  Baby,  Man,  Tooth,  Pencil

7. Write down the comparative and superlative degrees of the following : 1 x 6=6

Large,  Bold,  Great,  Lucky,  Hot,  Difficult

8. Change the following sentences into negatives:1 x 6=6

  1. She is cooking food.

  2. He has done his homework.

  3. Radha was drawing pictures.

  4. It has been raining since morning.

  5. They will go to picnic.

  6. The washer-man washes the clothes.


10. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1 x 5=5

Its spreading branches, which hung to the ground and took root again, forming a number of twisting passages, gave me endless pleasure. Among them were squirrels and snails and butterflies. The tree was older than the house, older than Grandfather, as old as Dehradun itself. I could  hide myself in its branches, behind thick leaves, and spy on the world below.

  1. Name the lesson.

  1. Desert Animals       b  The Banyan Tree   c.  Who I am d.   A Game of Chance

  1. Who is the narrator of this passage:

  1. Ruskin Bond b.  E.V. Lucas c.  Premchand d.  Carol Moore

  1. Which tree is referred to here?

  1. Banayan tree b.  Mango tree c.  Palm tree d.  Oak tree

  1. The tree was older than............

  1. Mongoose b. Cobra c. The boy d.  Grandfather

  1. From which place could the narrator spy on the world below?

  1. Tree b. Garden wall c.  House d. roof

11.  Read the following stanza and answer the following questions: 1 x 5=5

Everyday the gong sounds ten in the morning

And I walked to school by our lane

Everyday I meet the hawker crying,”Bangles,crystal bangles”

  1. From which poem this stanza has been taken?

  2. Who is the speaker of these lines?

  3. When does he walk to school?

  4. Whom does he meet everyday?

  5. What does the hawker sell?

12.  Answer any five of the following questions: 3 x 5=15

  1. When Jumman’s aunt realised that she was not welcome in his house, what arrangement did she suggest?

  2. How many prizes did the boy win? What were they?

  3. How do desert animals survive without water?

  4. What did the cobra and the mongoose do to show their readiness?

  5. What happened to the crow in the end?

  6. Why was Jumman happy over Algu’s nomination as head panch?

13.  Answer any five of the following question: 2 x 5=10

  1. What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream?

  2. What is the most obvious advantage of sleep?

  3. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?

  4. In what way is Pambhupatti different from other village?

  5. Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost to accompany him to town next day?







  1.   (10 marks)

  1. The man lived in a town.

  2. His name was Govind.

  3. People call him Mote Ram.

  4. Because he was fat.

  5. No, his house was not big.

  6. He had a lovely garden.

  7. The garden was behind the house.

  8. The well was in the garden.

  9. They need water.

  10. Because he was very old and weak. And the water in the well had already gone down.

  1.  (10 marks)

  1. Rat and mice

  2. Agriculture

  3. Plague

  4. Pet rats

  5. Food grains of all sorts

  6. Their breeding  rate is high

  7. Enormous

  8. Found

  9. Rat tainted food

  10. Bubonic plague


6.  Books, Boys, Babies, Men, Teeth, Pencils 3

7.  Large larger largest 6

     Bold bolder boldest

     Great greater greatest

     Lucky luckier luckiest

     Hot hotter hottest

     Difficult more difficult most difficult

8.  ( 6 marks)

  1. She is not cooking food.

  2. He has not done his homework.

  3. Radha was not drawing pictures.

  4. It has not been raining since morning.

  5. They will not go to picnic.

  6. The washerman does not wash the clothes.

SECTION  - D  :  LITERATURE (35 Marks)

10.  (5 marks)

  1. b) The Banyan Tree

  2. a) Ruskin Bond

  3. a)  Banyan tree

  4. d)Grandfather

  5. a) tree

11.  (5 marks)

  1. This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘Vocation’

  2. The child Tagore is the speaker of these lines.

  3. He walks to school at 10’ O’colck in the morning.

  4. He meets a hawker everyday.

  5. The hawker sells bangles.

12.  (15 marks)

  1. She suggested that she should be given monthly allowance. 3

  2. The boy won four prizes. They were a comb, a fountain pen, a wrist watch and a table lamp. 3

  3. Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows. The darkling beetles catch drops of moisture on their legs. 3

  4. The cobra raised three of his six feet off the ground. The mongoose bushed his tail.   3

  5. The cobra struck the crow back with his hood and snout. The crow fluttered his wings and it was dead. 3

  6. Because Algu was his best friend. 3

13.  (10 marks) 

  1. That his wife wanted to eat his heart. 2

  2. Our body recovers from fatigue. 2

  3. To come next day with lots of warmth and brightness. 2

  4. In this village people of different religions live together happily. 2

  5. He wanted to present him as a trophy of his victory. 2
